
Our Life

Date Night Series



Hey! We’re Ryan and Melissa! Husband and wife and new parents living in Nashville, Tennessee! We're all about building a foundation. The foundation is love. Whether it's learning how to communicate together about feelings or what to do with your money, the foundation is love. We’re nowhere near perfect, but we’re committed to expressing love.


ASK US ANYTHING Q&A: gardening, goals and more!

After making videos for over a year now, we’ve realized we enjoy making two types of content – vlogs and Q&A style content.

I’m sure this will morph over time, but as of now that’s where we stand.

It’s fun – Melissa collects questions from her Instagram (go follow her!) and we sit down and go through them!

Here’s your recent round of questions!

Is it a good idea to rent before buying a house when moving to a new state?

Yes we think it’s a great idea to rent before buying a house when moving to a new state.

A friend suggested that we rent first to learn the area and where we want to live, and we’re thankful that we did.

It also makes it feel less permanent or like you still have an easy exit plan, if needed.

How’s homeowner life?

It’s definitely more expensive owning a home, but it’s so much better than renting!!

We had rented for years so we find it hard to break the renter mindset.

There are so many things related to owning a home that we never would have thought of like mowing and caring for the lawn, changing air filters, keeping it clean, pest control, preparing for winter, etc.

It’s fun learning all the different things about maintaining a property that we were never exposed to as apartment renters.

What are you most excited for the rest of the year?

We’re really excited that we have 3 more weddings this year! It’s so fun celebrating love and being reminded of our love.

Ryan also turns 30 this year so we’re really excited to celebrate his birthday!

We’ve been going back and forth on what to do, but we think we are going to go to Arizona to visit our friends, ski, and relax at the cabin!

What are your favorite shows right now?

We’re really bad at finishing shows but we did just finish Dopesick and really enjoyed it!

It’s crazy just how the whole pharmaceutical industry operates and how marketing plays a role in people’s use of medicine.

What is your favorite date night activity?

We LOVE mini golf! 

We always have so much fun and we’ve actually set a goal to own our own mini golf course one day.

How have goals been this year?

We have been more consistent this year than any prior year and we think it’s mostly because of YouTube.

Here’s us setting goals at the beginning of this year!

We’ve never committed to weekly production of anything creative and having this creative outlet requires showing up for ourselves.

I’m most proud of Melissa this year in maintaining her cold showers. Those things are brutal and she crushes them!

Do you miss Arizona?

Yes, we definitely miss Arizona but our love for Tennessee is much greater.

Just being outside here or even driving around town is so beautiful and calming.

We miss the friends and family in Arizona a lot, though.

How was it the first time you met each other’s parents?

Thankfully, both sets of parents accepted us when we first met them!

Melissa got sick when she met my parents and since they saw her at her worst, she could only go up from there!

Do you want a big family or small family?

We want a small immediate family with 2 kids ourselves, but want a big extended family. 

It’s our dream to have our siblings have kids and be close to us. I think it’s rooted in Melissa being close to her cousins and me always wanting to be closer to my extended family.

Who is your favorite author?

Melissa has really been loving Taylor Jenkins Reid and Colleen Hoover lately.

I’ve recently found myself in a sci-fi vibe and have loved Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One. My favorite book is The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz, though.

Check out our bookshelf for some of our other favorite books!

Why did you get into gardening?

We like flowers and dirt…

Melissa summarized this well a few weekends ago while we were gardening.

It’s really enjoyable to be outside without our faces buried in our screens and to be present.

It’s also very rewarding to have plants grow as a result of our care.

Have more questions? Shoot ‘em over to Melissa on her Instagram!!

Wanna watch the Q&A video instead?

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