
Our Life

Date Night Series



Hey! We’re Ryan and Melissa! Husband and wife and new parents living in Nashville, Tennessee! We're all about building a foundation. The foundation is love. Whether it's learning how to communicate together about feelings or what to do with your money, the foundation is love. We’re nowhere near perfect, but we’re committed to expressing love.


Phase 1 of our primary bedroom makeover!

We’re finally decorating our primary bedroom! This is such an exciting time in our lives!

After being in our house for 5 months, we’re finally starting to get used to having a home and start to feel the enjoyment of making it feel “homey”.

It’s so hard to get out of the renter’s mentality after doing it for so many years.

We’ve decided the first area in our home to get furniture is our primary bedroom.

So we got a new comforter and a plant for our bedroom about a month ago and that made me feel more calm and appreciative of having a cozy space. It’s like I walked into our bedroom and instantly felt relaxed.

Melissa had been keeping an eye out for bed frames and after the calm feeling from just the comforter and plant, it didn’t take much convincing that it was time to pull the trigger and get a bed frame.

Painting the primary bedroom

I realized long ago that I fall into the camp of despising painting.

Every time I do it, it seems like it should be an easy job, but it’s always terrible when I get to about 25% done.

We tried painting the downstairs of our house when we first moved in and the first coat looked terrible so we decided to call in a professional to help finish the job.

I asked how he paints so well and he told me that I should never stop the paint brush in the middle of the wall. 

Always do complete strokes and stop at the top or the bottom.

Our attempt at painting downstairs

This didn’t change my feelings about not wanting to embark on a painting project again, but it swayed Melissa into wanting to try again.

She’s also great about being financially conscious for us and it’s frankly more affordable (at least monetarily, not necessarily time wise) to paint ourselves.

I told her I was out and that she could do it herself.

She agreed and the next day purchased the paint and was ready to go!

I helped her set up and clear the room and was out to do my own thing.

After a few hours I checked on her and she made very slow progress…lol.

She was over it.

I knew if I didn’t help, she’d be miserable and we’d live in a half painted room for weeks.

Calling in primary bedroom backup

So I “manned up” and helped my lady finish the job.


But we made it through together and I’ll admit that the paint (even though we went from light gray to white) made the bedroom feel *even* cozier!

I knew Melissa made a great decision and know that she’ll always make our space enjoyable for us. I’m thankful that she has great home decor tastes and that we appreciate the same type of decor and vibe.

Imagine how difficult it would be if we didn’t like the same things while we’re decorating a joint living space. Or if one of us just hated living in Tennessee.

It’s like one person would always be subconsciously miserable.

Miserable is a bit of an aggressive word, but they’d not feel the calm vibes that make the soul feel good.

Ordering and building the bed frame

Ever since we purchased our king mattress in May 2020, we’ve kept the box spring and mattress on the floor.

We figured it’d be better to wait until we were in a more permanent location where the bed frame actually fit the space. 

Renter’s mentality.

Box spring on the floor

But I’m thankful we did wait for that one.

We finally found a bed frame we liked and had to wait over a month for the frame to be delivered.

Oh supply chain issues.

After patiently waiting, the bed frame was finally delivered and we couldn’t wait to set it up!

We were like kids on Christmas and couldn’t contain our excitement.

It’s funny how you grow up and get excited about things like a bed frame…

After chipping Melissa’s toe nail and her poking only one staple, we finally got the bed frame set up and started to re-assemble the primary bedroom.

What happens when you don’t like your primary bedroom makeover?

We dropped the box spring in and then the mattress.

Initial reaction: We don’t love it….

WHAT?! After all this time!?

Yep, we liked the exposed linen headboard look, but our mattress was so high that the headboard was basically non-existent.

We had a decision to make: return the bed and find a new one, or try a smaller box spring.

So we decided to go hunt for a shorter box spring.

Little did we know that box springs are like $500+, so we started looking for a bunky board because we heard they are significantly more affordable.

We got lucky and Mattress Firm had one set of 2” box springs at their outlet for only $200, which is less than we had expected it to cost!

We committed and picked them up the next day.

After swapping out the box springs, we had to evaluate our reactions again.


The tranquil feeling has been enhanced.

I’ve never had a cozy room that I really enjoy being in. I’ve honestly always thought bedroom furniture was overrated and just expensive.

But it really does change the feeling of the room!

It made us want to get new side tables and a dresser, but that will be phase 2. 

Wanna watch phase 1 of our primary bedroom makeover?

  1. […] you haven’t seen phase one of our primary bedroom makeover, check that out first! It was WAY more successful than the beginning of phase […]

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