
Our Life

Date Night Series



Hey! We’re Ryan and Melissa! Husband and wife and new parents living in Nashville, Tennessee! We're all about building a foundation. The foundation is love. Whether it's learning how to communicate together about feelings or what to do with your money, the foundation is love. We’re nowhere near perfect, but we’re committed to expressing love.


Opryland Soundwaves Staycation

What better way to celebrate Melissa’s 29th birthday than an indoor waterpark at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel’s Soundwaves Experience!

The child in me jumps with joy just writing that.

There’s something special about waterparks. They just make us get out of our adult worlds and become kids again.

It’s magical.

I was searching Nashville Guru for things to do in Tennessee and saw there was a 40% off deal at the the Gaylord Opryland Soundwaves waterpark.

To go qualify for the waterpark deal, you have to purchase a room with the Soundwaves experience package so I decided to “surprise” Melissa and book a staycation.

Opryland was our first staycation in forever!

After booking it, we realized that we don’t take advantage of staycations enough.

We’ve really only done one other one that we can remember in Phoenix.

So we want to start doing them more.

The best part about it is that its only 30 minutes from our house. So quick and easy to get there!

Once we got there, we put our stuff in the room and wanted to explore the hotel.

The place is HUGE!!

There are all kinds of indoor atriums, plants, waterfalls, restaurants and more! Opryland Hotel is an experience that everyone needs to have at least once in their lives!

After exploring the Opryland resort, we were ready to go to the indoor waterpark Soundwaves.

We walked in and were amazed with how big it was and with how much fun it looked!

Enter child excitement phase.

We of course got in line to go on the biggest ride there was at Soundwaves.

What a thrill!

We ran around the waterpark like little kids and loved every minute of it!

At the end of the day, we went back to the room and prepped for dinner.

Dinner at Opryland

If we were to go to Opryland again, we’d make a dinner reservation because come dinner time, its like 1.5-2 hours wait everywhere!

We walked around to almost every restaurant and put our name in to see which would come up first.

We ate at Jack Daniels BBQ and loved it!!

Since we’re in the last year of our 20s we’re officially old and not able to stay up late anymore. We were back at the room and asleep by 10.


Slept like babies though!

We got up liesurely, got coffee and started our super long 30 minute drive home.

We had an awesome time at the Gaylord Opryland Soundwaves experience.

Would highly recommend everyone check out Soundwaves at Gaylord Opryland hotel!

Wanna watch on YouTube?

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